This was a good day

August 16, 2011 § Leave a comment

It was a little while ago but I’ve just retrieved some photos from Louise’s computer. In the morning we visited the house that we will all be moving into in September to pick some blackberries and steal some damsons from next door, which was lovely (apart from being caught in some sudden and very heavy rain on the way home).

My second ever attempt at brioche dough had been rising over night so while Louise stewed blackberries and damsons I got on the brioche. It turned out surprisingly well, but not as well as the jam did. Next time round will be better, though we will probably have eaten all the jam before then.

It was a perfectly relaxed Sunday. The kitchen smelling lovely, full of fruit and sugar and yeast; and sounding of rain and bubbling jam. In the late afternoon the sun came out and did some pretty things to the pegs keeping my bedroom window open.

I’m going to miss Clare Cottage, it’s been a very good house to live in even for this busy year, but I’m also looking forward to living somewhere new (well new-ish it’s been very familiar for two years now) with a new jumble of people. It’s going to be good.


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